0403 824 833 [email protected]

Medical Marketing Sydney

Grow your brand and drive predictable monthly referrals with DigiMed’s marketing & PR services.

Exercise at any age cancer program

Latest News from Digimed

DigiMed is proud to partner with Australia’s key opinion leaders in medicine, along with cancer patients and Olympic athlete Michael Klim in the new Exercise Prescription book as featured on the ABC. Discover the nascent science of exercise medicine!

Medical Videos Sydney

Our Recent Videos

By 2022 video will account for 82% of all consumer Internet traffic and  51% of the world's top marketers rate video as an unrivalled ROI tool. Personalised video drives leads and answers your patients most-asked post-op queries 24/7.

Digital Marketing


Discover the latest health care trends from the Australian Financial Review Future of Health conference.
DigiMed’s Jane Worthington co-hosted the roundtable, attended by 240 of Australia’s key health influencers and wrote this article.

public relations

Public Relations

Promote your name in the general and medical community. Become a thought leader in your specialty with your peers and GPs. Let us promote you through news media, GP publications, social media, community groups and online forums.

Mobile Websites

Patient Advocacy

Take your medical care to a new level driving your brand with patient storytelling. Find out how one inspirational cancer patient rode 60km on her 60th birthday during chemo – in the 2019 Central Coast Breast Cancer Compendium.

Rooms Posters for Specialists

Social Media Marketing

Do you want to educate your patients about the latest health news updates as they happen, plus any news from your clinic? Ask us about our bespoke social media packages today.
Patient Education

Patient/GP Education

With the Federal Government's recent prediction that medical specialists will be in oversupply by 7000 in 2030, proactively engaging with community and GP education events has never been more important.

GP Newsletters

GP Newsletters

GP newsletters with personalised, relevant news content put your brand, locations, hospitals, and procedures top of mind with local referrers - fostering new business growth and expanding your referral base.

Specialty Specific Websites

Specialty Specific e-marketing

3D breast augmentation? Wide awake heart surgery?  Stand out from the "general" medical crowd. Ask us about specialty specific marketing - that drives your brand in more of the places that patients are looking.

Medical Promotional Bundles

Marketing Bundles

Our affordable, strategic bundle packages offer newsletters, video and photography, access to tailored GP database, flyers & brochures, small catered GP lunch'n'learns  for under $200 and digital strategies to help you outrank competitors.

Mobile Websites

Mobile Websites

Your website is the storefront of your business. From monster 40+ page websites with serious SEO, through to Facebook campaigns - let us optimise your practice online. Google values content rich websites - and penalises those that are not mobile.

Mobile Websites

Pro Bono and Advocacy

 We are committed to advocating for regional and marginalised communities in need - including inspirational palliative care breast cancer patient Anna Edgell who selflessly fought for a hospice on the Central Coast days before she died.


Percentage of all consumer Internet traffic expected to be video by 2022


Increased clickthrough with emails that contain video ~ Forbes

Average Google organic ranking page for DigiMed clients


What is SEO/Seach Engine Optimisation?

Search Engine Optimisation is the way Google ranks your website organically or through earned trust, as opposed to paid Ad campaigns. This can be done through better structuring of your website, improved keywords, fresh posts, personalised videos, news stories, social media and photos.

Are mobile websites worth it – and do I need to upgrade my current website?

Today there are 14 billion mobiles in the world and in 2027 there will 17 billion.
Google rewards mobile-friendly websites in its rankings and penalises those that are not. In 2016, mobile searches overtook desktop searches for the first time and mobile use continues to increase exponentially. 
If your website is more than 5-10 years old, there’s a good chance it is not mobile optimised – email us today for a complimentary analysis of your website’s mobile capabilities.

GP v online referrals – which is better?

Doctors and medical referrals will always play a vital role in the patient journey but the new digital democracy means that the marketing paradigm for medicine has undergone a significant shift in recent times.
TV and print advertising channels have dropped and the patient pathway to treatment almost invariably involves online research before patients seek advice from doctors, family and friends.
Medical review sites like Whitecoat, RateMD and Google are also playing an important role in providing patients more transparency about the customer experience. Read this story about the growth of doctor ratings websites in 2018 by DigiMed’s Jane Worthington.

Blogs v LinkedIn

Blogs are useful for existing patients, but new patients who are not on your website will probably never see it!  
Many doctors use LinkedIn to showcase their own surgical innovations and achievements.
Facebook is also a useful tool for some specialties while  Instagram has recently extended its videos from a few seconds to a minute – a good way to showcase what you do well with what your patients need most.

Video … why you shouldn’t do it yourself

It’s easy to get someone in the office to point and shoot, but it takes a professional to craft compelling stories that are authentic and impactive. Unique videos also drive Google rankings more than the same video shown across multiple specialist websites. Indeed, “video first” is a term coined by Facebook and refers to the phenomenal growth of businesses and consumers  producing their own videos.

How should I best prepare for custom video?

  • All our videos will be scripted to autocue. To save time and money on editing (three takes only are inclusive), practice in front of a mirror.
  • Time yourself speaking the script – does it fit in the allocated time? If not cut the content or add to fit the time slot, with 5 seconds either side for intro and outro.



Just as doctors work best in a “multi-disciplinary team”, DigiMed provides a unique end-to-end marketing service – with journalism, hospital experience and formidable SEO all part of their marketing matrix. With endless energy and dedication Xavier and Jane provide a range of valuable and affordable offerings for new and established doctors.

Dr Jeremy Russell

Neurosurgeon, Melbourne

Jeremy Russell

Your One-Stop-Shop Marketing Solution

Are you a doctor or allied health professional looking to increase your reach and referrals? Enter your details  and we will show how to drive new patient enquiries for your practice.

Enter your details for a free 20-minute strategy session


Sydney: 86/20 Eve St, Erskineville, NEW SOUTH WALES, 2043

Melbourne: 3/405 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VICTORIA, 3004

M: 0403 824 833
E: [email protected]

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